The Problem with Hiring... (2024-06-11)

Recently, I was talking to my best friend, and we got into a discussion about hiring for tech jobs. I'm 21 years old, about to finish my associate's degree and start looking for work. My insurance from survivor's benefits expires once I graduate, and I have ADHD and Tourette's, amongst other conditions, so I need to take medication to be able to function properly.

The shocking thing that I realized is that out of around 150 entry-level IT help desk jobs on the LinkedIn job board in my city, only 11 of those were listed as providing disability insurance (to cover my medication), and all 11 of those wanted someone with 2-4+ years of experience and a bachelor's degree.

World governments claim to care about human rights and the health & safety of their citizens, unless you come from a poor family, in that case, screw you, I guess.

Sometimes I think my quality of life would be better should I have birthed into Babylon instead.